Riyadh Yemen Agreement

The Riyadh Yemen Agreement: An Overview

The ongoing conflict in Yemen has been a humanitarian crisis for years. The civil war has resulted in the death of thousands of people and has left millions more displaced and in need of aid. In an attempt to bring an end to the violence and find a peaceful resolution to the conflict, the Riyadh Yemen Agreement was signed in November 2019.

What is the Riyadh Yemen Agreement?

The agreement was signed by representatives of the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC), a separatist group that has been fighting for independence in southern Yemen. It was brokered by Saudi Arabia, which has been leading a coalition of Arab states in support of the Yemeni government.

Under the Riyadh Agreement, the STC agreed to hand over control of key government institutions in the southern port city of Aden to the Yemeni government. In return, the Yemeni government agreed to include STC representatives in a new government that would be formed under the UN-backed peace process.

The agreement also called for the withdrawal of all military forces from the city of Aden and surrounding areas, which had been the scene of intense fighting between the Yemeni government and the STC. The two sides agreed to establish a joint military committee to oversee the withdrawal and the re-integration of STC fighters into the Yemeni army.

Why is the agreement significant?

The Riyadh Agreement represented a significant breakthrough in the efforts to end the conflict in Yemen. It brought together two sides that had been fighting each other for years and paved the way for a new government that would include representatives from both sides.

The agreement also had the potential to end the fighting in Aden, which had been a major obstacle to peace in Yemen. By handing over control of government institutions to the Yemeni government, the STC was acknowledging the legitimacy of the government and the need for a unified Yemen.

However, implementation of the agreement has been slow and contentious. The withdrawal of military forces has been delayed, and there have been disagreements over the formation of the new government. In addition, the conflict between the Houthi rebels in the north and the Yemeni government has continued, with little progress towards a broader peace agreement.


The Riyadh Yemen Agreement was a significant step towards peace in Yemen, but it is only one part of a complex and challenging process. The ongoing conflict has created a humanitarian crisis that requires urgent attention and action. The international community must continue to support efforts to end the violence and find a lasting political solution that addresses the underlying issues fueling the conflict.