Sample of Sales Contract Goods for Export

When it comes to exporting goods, one of the most important steps is creating a solid sales contract. A sales contract is a binding agreement between the exporter and the importer that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale. It’s important to have a well-written document to ensure that both parties understand their obligations and that the transaction goes smoothly. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what should be included in a sample sales contract for goods intended for export.


The introduction of the sales contract should include the date and the names of the parties involved. It should also outline the purpose of the contract and briefly describe the goods being exported.

Description of Goods

This section should provide a detailed description of the goods being exported. It should include the name of the product, the quantity, and any relevant specifications. It’s also important to include the unit price and the total price of the goods.

Delivery Terms

The delivery terms should clearly outline the responsibilities of both parties for the transportation of the goods. This includes the delivery date, the mode of transportation, and the place of delivery. It’s also important to include the shipping terms and any customs procedures that need to be followed.

Payment Terms

The payment terms should specify the currency, the method of payment, and the payment schedule. It’s also important to include details about any required deposits or down payments.

Warranties and Representations

This section should outline any warranties or representations made by the exporter regarding the goods being exported. This may include any guarantees about the quality of the goods or their compliance with regulations in the importer’s country.

Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute, it’s important to have a clear process for resolving the issue. This section should outline the steps that both parties will take to resolve any disputes that arise.

Governing Law

The governing law section of the sales contract specifies which laws will govern the contract. This is important because it ensures that both parties are aware of their legal obligations and rights.


A well-written sales contract is a crucial component of any successful export transaction. By including all the necessary information, both parties can ensure that the goods are transported and paid for according to the agreed-upon terms. A professional can help ensure that the sales contract is not only well-written but also optimized for search engines to increase its visibility and reach.